Amy Fleming has been directing High Desert Harmony since January 2018 and has a
long history with the chorus and Sweet Adelines. She grew up in Reno and started singing barbershop while in high school. She was even a member of High Desert Harmony Chorus when it was chartered in 2004.
Amy is a graduate of the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) where she majored in Biology and minored in Music. She has been part of a number of elite school and community groups and is a past president of the UNR Chapter of Sigma an Alpha Iota, a women’s music fraternity.
After graduating from UNR in 2006, Amy moved to Boston where she worked for Partners in Health and Harvard Business School. While in Boston, she remained active in Sweet Adeline choruses and quartets and competed with the Coastline Show Chorus at International. Amy has served on several management and music teams and has been arranging music for the last several years.
In 2017, Amy moved back home to Reno with her husband and two young daughters, Penny and Cece. She is a Faculty Researcher at UNR's Center for Economic Development, and is grateful to have the opportunity to give back to the community she loves. She also sings with the 2019, Regional 4th Place Medalist quartet, Free Range.